Let's just clarify for a moment what this new and extra page is about.
This page is going to be my pontification page. I think Parabolic Muse, to be of any use to anyone, should be focused upon art, art-making, art-appreciating, and also: images of ART.
Why gum up the proceedings of Parabolic Muse with a bunch of hokum about my thoughts, feelings, medical conditions, traffic violations, animal dramas, and the various lies I tell to get through my life? HUH? Keep Parabolic Muse pure of intent and content. Put all the useless stuff here.
Therefore, Hyperbolic Muse will be available any time you are up for my blathering, meandering thoughts, pet peeves, instances of hyperactive mischance, and perhaps, even, little snippets of fiction.
Be alerted that I will not point out which parts are fiction. Those will be interspersed with the parts of this page that are for my true feelings and events, which are imaginary enough on their own.
So. Exciting, huh? And filled with pure JOY!
I'm intrigued with the idea of separating art and life thoughts, while others are trying to integrate same via art journals, ICAD's, etc. Since I'm neither a real artist nor a writer, I'm somewhere in the middle of it all. I'll be participating in Karen's "M" postcard swap too- such fun ;-)